In the third
millennium, the face of religious faith seems paradoxical: on one side of the
normative whole-esoteric prophetic message clearly and agree on the breeding
side with dignity and exaltation of human dignity. However, the
historical-empirical religion can not evade just over a wide range of
humanitarian incidents that adorn the windows of modern life. Certainly the
most prominent and can be seen from the recent events of 11 September, and the
disastrous Palestine recently, though there are many other major events in the
global level related to the events of humanity 'in the name of God with Holy
Scripture', including in Indonesia (Bali bombing case , religious conflict in
Ambon, Poso, etc.). Although in many critical study of religion is not the only
cause (the first) is often associated with political-economic-social-cultural,
but religion can not avoid that 'inspiration and theological legitimator' more
powerful than the atomic bomb though. For the name of religion people can slay
and eliminate the 'other' until whenever, as long as religion embraced and
If so, what's
wrong with religion? Is it a source of violence, the eksklusifisme,
anti-tolerance, anti-racial, and anti-peace-critical circles as alleged
secular-atheist? Where the loss of the spirit of liberation, of humanity and
peace message of religions? Furthermore, religion can be a fortress moral
values of life and consciousness of modern society when more and more thirsty
and empty spirituality, but his increasingly blurred due to the entanglement
problem delematis above?